hello all!! i am back, its been a while since ive updated this webpage. I right some fanfic and im probably going to cross post that onto this so like expect that i guess.

Hello all! this is my website! ufo.nekoweb.org. Idk how you got here but your are here now so i get to mess with you. right now the website is barebones, but im working on it. I just have this skeleton up so that its not empty anymore

I have another website which i am still running, so this isnt my first rodeo. It is my second, so im still getting better at coding allat so expect many errors and a lot of spaghetti. im probably going to use this more as a host for my different works and so forth. Also as just for me to shove all the resources i find partly for me because my bookmarks bar is an unorganized mess and partly for the general populous as resources for coding generally tend to be a good thing to share.

I dont actually know what im going to do with this website, i do everything on my other one moreso. It is a neocities, ofc. I am considering at the moment migrating, but i have yet to determine because i have major fomo. I checked everywhere i could and no where said i couldnt have both a nekoweb and a neocities so until i am proven wrong im having two websites (i actually run 3 websites but thats not the point)

Why the name ufo? aliens are rad as hell. I like them. since i dont have any other pages yet and i dont know what pages to add ill just add all the schtuff i used here: the background i got from Bettys graphic's the favicon i got from this pixel carrd , The cursor i got here ,i got the code for the nav buttons from shenanigans.neocities.org , and finally i made the gradient using cssgradient.io